Friday, September 21, 2012

Sol Plaatjie's Uncle Daniel Plaatjie on Shift Monday

24 September 2012 at 13h30 on SABC1 during discussion about Kimberley Past and Present.
In this episode Shift meet locals from Kimberley and discuss the historical significance of Kimberley past and present. We discuss the life and times of Sol Plaatjie and the contributions he made to South Africa through his literature.

We discuss the significance of languages in the Northern Cape especially the prevalence of Khoi San and the various dialects that existed then and continue to thrive now.

Shift is joined by Sol Plaatjie's uncle Daniel Plaatjie who gives an insight into the family life. Mario Morongo, the !Xun chief and Kamama Mukua from the Khwe Chie tribe also grace us with their presence.

 This in depth show looks into the realities of Kimberley past and present. This once thriving mining area is now a thriving knowledge base for South Africa.
For more information

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