Candy Moloi is co-presenter of Hola Hamonate the only television programme in South Africa that caters specifically for the needs of the elderly. It gives the elderly a platform to share their wisdom, pain and joy as senior citizens of the country. Hola Hamonate also takes a light-hearted look at topics such as swankers, phobias and caring for your teeth.
“I’ve really taken to my role on the show, after our episode on growing your own vegetables I planted my own garden at home, with excellent results. After recording an episode on arthritis, I took the expert’s advice to deal with my own arthritis concerns and am now happily pain-free and a great advocate of exercise to deal with arthritis and gout” says Candy.
Candy, best-known for her role as Vho-Makhadzi in Muvhango played the role of MaModumedi in Death of a Queen. She is a mother and grandmother, and takes pride in the fact that while in her fifties she is still very active. She is a highly regarded actor, artist and businesswoman. Candy is the embodiment of the Hola Hamonate viewer, ageing in style.
Hola Hamonate screened on SABC2 is for people between the ages of forty-five and sixty plus who take an interest in improving the quality of their lives and those around them. Every Tuesday morning at 11h00 Hola Hamonate discusses issues that impact on the elderly. These challenging stories are inspirational, triumphant and sometimes tragic.
Hola Hamonate, produced by Cut2Black, commissioned by the public information and social development unit at SABC Education ends 15 November 2011
Photos and further information:
Lesley Fahey - SABC Education Marketing
Email: faheylk@sabc.co.za - Tel: +27 (0) 11 714 6085 www.sabceducation.co.za
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