Anthony Wilson, co-presenter of Hola Hamonate has a fear of snakes. During the filming of the episode Fears and Phobia’s, he had to confront his fear when a guest brought a snake into studio. Unlike the last time Anthony had to work with a snake on set, he could not hide in a tree.
“Fortunately co-presenter Candy Moloi’s rural upbringing made her familiar with snakes and she stepped in when I lost my nerve. We, made it through the show without any major incidents but I must admit even having a psychologist on set didn’t make me feel any better!” says Anthony.
Anthony is an actor, director, producer and writer in the performing arts. He has a great deal of experience in theatre, industrial theatre, theatre in education, corporate video, television and films. He is a grandfather, a passionate community activist championing the use of drama and theatre in education, as well the mainstreaming of his mother tongue Afrikaans.
You can watch Anthony on Hola Hamonate every Tuesday on SABC2 at 11h00, the only television programme in South Africa that caters for the needs of the elderly. It gives the elderly a platform to share their wisdom, pain and joy as senior citizens of the country.
Hola Hamonate is produced by Cut2Black and commissioned by the public information and social development unit at SABC Education. This series ends 15 November 2011.
Photos and further information:
Lesley Fahey - SABC Education Marketing
Email: - Tel: +27 (0) 11 714 6085
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