“Open Varsity offers lessons in arts, law, commerce, engineering and natural sciences faculties. Whether it’s physics, financial accounting, commercial law, physiology and constitutional law 100, our presenters bring the lecture hall to viewers where professors and lecturers with expertise provide lessons without a charge,” says Fani Matsebane, commissioning editor at SABC Education’s formal education unit.
Students, not enrolled in any faculty will also benefit from Open Varsity which offers solutions to many of the non-academic challenges faced by students during their studies. Open Varsity revises lessons that students struggle with in various courses. Through recapping on lessons, the show creates a better link between the lesson and the real-life application of the study.
“Open Varsity presenters are Vusiwe Ngcobo and Amukelani N’wankoti. Vusiwe has graced television screens as a presenter of Yo-TV and Harambe. Amukelani, better known as Mchangani, is a brand on his own. He first cut his broadcast teeth on an educational show Tech Expo, an insert in X marks the Spot. Mchangani is also a radio presenter on Munghana Lonene fm. Aspiring students intending to register with institutions of higher learning will also learn from ‘Chippy’, a character (Gideon Lovinga) who is forever struggling to balance his studies and adjust to university life” ends Matsebane.
Zandile Nkonyeni, publicity manager at SABC2 says, “Open Varsity will educate and supplement university students’ specific course content and provide additional study material in line with the needs of the course in the degree of their choice. The show will guide students through non-academic challenges such as study methods, time management and cultural shock they may face”.
Students can download helpful information and tips on academic and non-academic issues at www.openvarsity.mobi. Tsiko Productions produce Open Varsity for SABC Education for broadcast on SABC2 Mondays at 23h45 and Tuesdays to Thursdays at 23h00 commencing 21st March.
Photos and further information:
Lesley Fahey
SABC Education Marketing - Publicity Manager
Email: faheylk@sabc.co.za - Tel: +27 (0) 11 714 6085
As a varsity student I am keen to extra classes and I want to be part of the show but the timing affects us really because it is broadcast very late and yes we know that a varsity student is expected to be awake during those times but we also have to sleep at least 5 hours to be ready for the next day. if it is possible we pleading for a reasonable timing to stay tuned and updated.and please know that we really admire and respect what you doing for us as varsity students an update and friendly reminder on your next episodes will mean a lot to me
yours faithfully
Prince Mathe
(ukzn Pmb)
Dear Prince
We thank you for your support. With regards to scheduling and Broadcast times, we are unable to move the show to an earlier time slot but there are repeats on Wednesday and Thursdays at 11h00. For more information on broadcasting visit our facebook page www.facebook.com/pages/Open-Varsity-Season-2 and for notes visit our mobi site at www.openvarsity.mobi
Open Varsity Team
Incredible post.It is a great to hear that stdents are given opportunity to study further and creating better opportunities for themselves.
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