Matrics Uploaded, a new educational programme on SABC1 Mondays to Fridays at 14h00 makes learning fun for South Africa’s matrics. The one hour interactive and entertaining multi media distance education show is supported by print worksheets, DVD lessons, web and mobile learning resources.
Simon Molaudzi, General Manager at SABC Education (picture above) says “Matrics Uploaded integrates core curriculum content into an entertaining game show for grade 12s where a TV teacher teaches a lesson on an element of the curriculum and then quiz questions are based on the lesson.”
The show is hosted by two hip young presenters Amanda Manku and Nonhlanhla Ntuli, supported by a teacher presenter, post matric tutors and will include learner participation and studio guests. The Matrics Uploaded facebook fan page will consist of extracts from the show, previews of upcoming shows, comments, emotions and experiences.
Matrics Uploaded is committed to providing curriculum focused and skills based learning for matrics, with a full course of multimedia lessons across seven core subjects; mathematics, physical science, English, business studies, accounting, maths literacy and life sciences.
“The show runs until the end of the year and will have downloadable content available to assist educators in preparing lessons. It will also have study material intended for pupils. All of these will be available on www.sabc.co.za/matricsuploaded after 29 January 2010. SABC Education wants Matrics Uploaded to be the daily source of information and the central shared hub for experiences around Matric 2010” ends Molaudzi.
Simon Molaudzi, General Manager at SABC Education (picture above) says “Matrics Uploaded integrates core curriculum content into an entertaining game show for grade 12s where a TV teacher teaches a lesson on an element of the curriculum and then quiz questions are based on the lesson.”
The show is hosted by two hip young presenters Amanda Manku and Nonhlanhla Ntuli, supported by a teacher presenter, post matric tutors and will include learner participation and studio guests. The Matrics Uploaded facebook fan page will consist of extracts from the show, previews of upcoming shows, comments, emotions and experiences.
Matrics Uploaded is committed to providing curriculum focused and skills based learning for matrics, with a full course of multimedia lessons across seven core subjects; mathematics, physical science, English, business studies, accounting, maths literacy and life sciences.
“The show runs until the end of the year and will have downloadable content available to assist educators in preparing lessons. It will also have study material intended for pupils. All of these will be available on www.sabc.co.za/matricsuploaded after 29 January 2010. SABC Education wants Matrics Uploaded to be the daily source of information and the central shared hub for experiences around Matric 2010” ends Molaudzi.
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am doing my matric this year.I want to know if matrics uploaded will be there to assist us the 2011 matriculates.
Dear Busisiwe and all Matrics Uploaded colleagues. Note that Matrics Uploaded is back with a bang for the Class of 2011. It has moved to new slot to 15h00-14h00 for viewing times. We would like to here from you. Catch-us on Matrics Uploaded facebook oage at facebook.com/pages/matricsuploaded.
From Matrics Uploaded team - SABC Education
“Good day
Thank you for your comment dated April 05,2011 which reads "I am sick of seeing major mistakes on your show. They are happening on a daily basis. Today's mistake was the incorrect spelling and pronunciation of the pituitary gland. I will make daily updates of your mistakes when I have free time. Stephen from the UK".
We have noted your comment re: spelling error… and wish to inform you that our producers are hard at work trying to fix the problem.
We welcome your contributions and look forward to more feedback to enhance our show.
Thank you for your interest”
Matrics Uploaded Team
Stephen from the UK again. I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to update you on your mistakes, I'd been very busy and hadn't got a chance to watch the show plus I left South Africa in April and have been busy ever since. I left South Africa on the 27th April so this complaint is about a date very close to that date. I believe it was approximately 3 days earlier. Both myself and my girlfriend, who is a South African citizen, noticed it. She was so alarmed by it that she jumped up from her seat screaming at the TV. You broadcast a biology show and you answered a question incorrectly. As far as I can remember it was about Asexual reproduction. It was a question asked to the students in the studio. When the 'correct' answer was revealed on screen and also spoken by the presenter it was the wrong answer. This mistake by SABC may have caused many children in South Africa to get a similar question wrong on their exam. Please fix it.
Dear Stephen from the UK
Thank you for informing us of the error. The error is regrettable; the question should have read ‘sexual’ and not ‘asexual’. Our Life Sciences specialist is an excellent developer and this was clearly a typographical error which unfortunately was not picked up in the editing process for which we apologise. We value all feedback and will rectify the error immediately. We will also ensure that during our pre-exam broadcasts we revise the topic of Asexual reproduction and correct the error. Matrics Uploaded is committed to its mandate of supporting Matric teachers and their learners and thus welcome valid contributions. As such we will respond to public feedback provided that contributors furnish us with “return to sender” contact details.
Once again we apologise for the error.
The Matrics Uploaded Team
Stephen again. Thank you for replying and attempting to fix the problems.
I would just like to clarify the point. From what I remember it was actually a content error that rendered the answer incorrect not a typographical error.
For your reference, 'Asexual' is actually a correct word and correct term. From what I remember it was the content of the question and answer that was incorrect, not the spelling but it could have been incorrect spelling in either the question or answer that made the question nonsensical.
If you review your biology show from around that date you will notice the problem. Thank you.
Noted thank you Stephen
Matrics Uploaded Team
Dear Stephen from the UK
The original, and incorrect question that was posed read as follows, with C as the correct answer:
Which is a characteristic of asexual reproduction?
A. all offspring are identical to the parent and identical to each other
B. it is usually a rather rapid processes
C. gametes are produced by meiosis
D. often large numbers of individuals are built up quickly, forming colonies.
As you pointed out, this is incorrect. Answers A, B and D are all characteristics of asexual reproduction, while C is the only characteristic of sexual reproduction that is offered. This was a typographical error as the word “asexual” was typed instead of “sexual”. The question becomes completely correct, with valid distracters (A, B and D) and C as the correct option, if the word “sexual” is used in place of “asexual”.
As was explained to you, the mistake was not corrected during the editing process, which was regrettable.
You have followed up with a further complaint suggesting that the content is in fact incorrect. This is not the case at all. The question probes the learners’ understanding of distinguishing characteristics of the concepts of sexual and asexual reproduction. In asexual reproduction, clones of the parent organism are produced, which are identical to the parent and to each other (distractor A); it happens over relatively short periods of time as no period of gestation or incubation are needed (distractor B) and in many cases, large groups of offspring can be produced which often cluster in colonies (distractor C). In sexual reproduction, haploid sex cells called gametes are produced by gametogenesis which includes the cellular division process of meiosis.
The content is definitely not in question here at all. This was a simple typographical error.
Matrics Uploaded Team
guys i am a matric student and i would like to say thank you to all of you for putting much effort in improving our matric results
thank you guys for the show
Thank you for the love and support from you guys as well. We are doing all this for you. Good luck with the rest of your exams, make us proud!
Matrics Uploaded Team
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