Monday, May 12, 2014

Single Dads on Shift, Monday 12th May at 11h00 on SABC

Being a single parent is difficult and sometimes feels impossible.  Raising a child is no child's play; we're familiar with the hardships and stereotypes single mothers face.  What about single dads?  We wonder why the other side of the coin is so often ignored.  It's a shame that society assumes that only mothers nurture; and fathers desert their kids. There was a time not so long ago where fathers were seen as the rock solid source of stability within family units. But, rising divorce rates, and a culture that conditions us to look for ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ in nearly every aspect of our lives has resulted in the importance of single fathers being diminished. On Shift we examine the perspective of the single father as told by him; his challenges and victories as he raises his children alone. Our studio guests comprise of single fathers, and a lawyer who provides the rights of fathers.

Poll question: Do Single fathers know their rights? Answer Yes/ No Facebook: ShiftOnSABC1 Twitter: @ShiftOnSABC1 SMS: 33720 Call: 0839133720 Email:

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