Media Statement by the Gauteng Stock Theft Forum
A gust of unprecedented livestock theft
cases occurred in the country since June 2013with specific reference to livestock
theft cases that occurred on the perimeters of the Gauteng province.
- During June 13 Bonsmara Stud Heifers age 18 months and 5 cows was stolen near Beestekraal/Atlanta in the North West province. The value is estimated at R270 000.
- The same producer near Beestekraal/Atlanta was again hit on 26 July and 29 Bonsmara stud cows were stolen at a estimated value of R435 000.
- On the night of 30 July 2013, 45 Brahman/Simbra cross heifers and 5 cows was stolen near Olifantsnekdam in the vicinity of Rustenburg. The estimated value of the cattle is R450 000.
- On the night of 7 August 2013 near the Kranskop Toll plaza Modimole, 51 Brauvieh/Brahman cross cows was stolen with an estimated value of R510 000.
- The most recent case was on 15 August 2013 where 25 Brahman stud cows was stolen near Mokopane with an estimated value of R500 000.
These specific cases referred to contribute
to a total loss of R2.1 million for livestock producers. It must be noted that these
are those cases that made headlines in the agriculture communities and all have
the same modus operandi. In another case not directly linked to the theft of
these cattle 120 sheep was stolen on 7 August near Balfour at an estimated
value of R180 000.
In all these theft cases the same truck was
used to load the cattle (See attached photo) A prominent fixture of the truck
is the blue tailgate whilst the rest of the truck is white, further it is
evident that this truck is actually build for mass grain transportation and the
cattle rails is not of a high quality.. Evidence found of paint, tyre marks etc.
and the way of loading cattle at loading pens close to the N1 and other major
route are the same.
In all the cases the truck headed for Gauteng but there is
no further evidence that the truck and cattle remained in the province and the
possibility that the loads ended up in other provinces cannot be excluded. The
only conclusion that can be made is that the same crime syndicate is involved
in these crimes. Livestock producers are not only losing their cattle and money
in this process but the economic viability of their farming operations is put
under severe strains to such an extent that the food security in the country is
The public is requested to be on the lookout
for the specific truck and when spotted to contact Lt.Col Scott of the Gauteng
Stock Theft Unit at 0823351083 or Capt Lubbe of the Modimole Stock Theft Unit
at 084
515 6925.
Kind regards
Willie Clack
Chairperson Gauteng Stock Theft Forum
082 574 2653
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