Thursday, June 14, 2012

Motivation from SABC Education Youth Desk

Each chapter in HiStory is defined by one moment. One event.One action. That one turning point that either ends or starts it all.Each moment in OurStory seems to have had its spirit lived in one person. One life.One soul.One leader that either ends or starts it all for a greater people. These are people that for one reason or another had something in them that could not just let them be. Could not be silenced.Could not be still.And when that inside of them moved and spoke, it seemed to ignite a flame residing in all those who knew that something inside of them was dying to be enlightened.

There are many ills and conditions facing our nation and our youth. But it seems the flame is not yet lit. That which can not be silenced seems to be dormant.

What will the Story of our generation be? What will our chapter in History read?

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