Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hola hamonate-

Hola hamonate on Tuesday, 11th October shares the story of how one very busy body elderly lady, Sister Betty Glover, who through her selfless act of kindness and compassion has inspired many others in her community.  
Anthony and Clementine visit her soup kitchen in Noordgesig and also chat to her about how she manages this dedication towards community work in the better part of her life.  
Many of the hundreds who come there are not only given a warm meal but gain hope and spiritual sustenance too.

For the elderly, giving back to one's community does not only give them a sense of purpose but keeps them young too!

There are, however, various challenges that threaten the great work she does.

We speak to Unophida Moyo of Age in Action about how Sister Betty could overcome her obstacles and about the benefits of giving back for the elderly.


 for futher details email: holahamonate@sabc.co.za    

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