Friday, July 13, 2012

Madiba – Aah Rolihlahla – 94 Years old and Strong: Shift on SABC1

Shift on 17th July at 13h30 on SABC1 is all about Madiba – Aah Rolihlahla.  In the 1980s Nelson Mandela was a mythical figure, a hidden presence on Robben Island whose name embodied the people’s global resistance to apartheid and the suffering of the people of South Africa. His name was on everyone’s lips, in the words of struggle songs, on the posters of activists calling for his release, musicians, artists, world leaders, even the architects of apartheid.
In 1990 he was released from prison to change a country and bring unity to South African’s from different backgrounds. That is why we love him.  One of the hallmarks of the brief period in which Mr Mandela graced public life was his willingness to speak to everybody; great and not so great and to listen. For many who have had the opportunity to interact with him these meetings were life-defining.
On July 18 Madiba turns 94. The month July has become synonymous with two things; Madiba’s birthday and 67 minutes of community service in his honour.  Shift is not just happy that our beloved Madiba is turning 94; we are so glad that he is still with us. We do him proud and show that we understand that to truly honour his legacy, we should give back to our communities.  Join us as we speak to a variety of stakeholders about a variety of goodwill initiatives that will be happening across  the country and how you can take part and make a difference and bring out the Madiba in you.
Our questions to you are:
•    What is the most important lesson Madiba taught South African’s and humanity?
•    What are you going to be doing on Madiba’s birthday for 67 minutes and why?
•    What can our current political leaders learn from Madiba, which politician and why?
•    If you are a parent or are planning to have children what will you tell them about Mandela? Why should we keep Mandela’s spirit for generations to come?
Our Poll Question:
•    Is Madiba magic still alive and kicking today? Should it be revived and in what way? Tell us your thoughts and Answer Yes or No to SHIFT on SABC 1: FACEBOOK.
You can write to us at

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