Monday, June 25, 2012

Brother Mandla Ndlovu Recognised as one of Mail & Guardian’s Future South African Leaders.

On Friday 22nd June the Mail & Guardian announced that Mandla Ndlovu has been nominated as one of the 200 young future South Africans leaders. This annual programme identifies and tells stories about young South Africans under 35 doing extraordinary things.
“This acknowledgement is a fitting contribution to a great future leader.  We (SABC Education) are thrilled that Mandla has been recognized for his work and contribution, which reflects his amazing personal commitment, work ethic and strive to coordinate all the partners who work on the Brothers for Life campaign” says Johan Neethling, public information and social development commissioning editor.
Brothers for Life is a collaborative effort by the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC), the Department of Health, USAID/PEPFAR, Johns Hopkins Health and Education in South Africa (JHHESA), Sonke Gender Justice, the United Nations System in South Africa and over 100 other civil society partners working in the field of HIV prevention and health. For more information about Brothers for Life, please visit

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