Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Minister Lulu Xingwana condemns gang-rape of Soweto teenager

The Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Ms Lulu Xingwana, has condemned, in the strongest possible terms, the gang-rape of a seventeen-year old Soweto girl which was captured on video.

“This despicable crime does not belong to our free and democratic society. She reminded all South Africans that distributing pornographic material is a criminal offence”.
“In addition to the painful ordeal of rape she was forced to endure, she is now subjected to a second assault on her dignity. We must all spare a thought for this young girl who has been violated in such a cruel and inhuman way”.
The Minister congratulated the South African Police Service for ensuring that the alleged perpetrators are brought to book. “We must now allow the law to run its course”. The Minister will monitor this case. Her office will work with the police and the family to ensure justice for the girl.
Ms Xingwana said she was confident that the justice system would impose the heaviest and harshest possible sentence against those found to have been responsible for this heinous crime. “By so doing, our courts would be sending an unequivocal message that the abuse of women and children will not be tolerated. 

As a society, we must ensure that those who harm our children are made to face the full might of our criminal justice system.
Issued by the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities
Enquiries:  Cornelius Tanana Monama
Departmental Spokesperson
Tel: 012 359 0224 \ 082 578 4063

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